The Sri Yantra also known as the Sri Chakra represents all the fundamental principals of Tantric philosophy. It is known as the best or supreme existing yantra and all other yantras derive from it.

A Yantra is the symbolic representation of the Mother Goddess. It is made up of ‘linear and spatial ‘geometrical permutations’ of the Goddess in the mandala. You find yantras in many sacred geometry works and the design of the Sri Chakra/ Yantra is nine interwoven triangles, four of which represent the male principle (Shiva) and five inverted triangles representing Shakti, the feminine principal. The nine triangles also represent nine basic elements or root substances (mula-prakritis) of the universe. In the human body they are represented as nine substances; five from Shakti – skin, blood, flesh, fat and bone. The four from Shiva are – semen, marrow, vital energy (prana) and the individual soul.  

The place of the mother goddess is represented by the dot or bindu in the centre of the design. The dot has four legs representing the deities responsible for the creation of all things.

Brahma – the creator is in the northeast.

Vishnu – the preserver is in the southeast.

Rudra – for withdrawal is in the southwest.

Sadasiva – for retention is in the northwest.

Surrounding this pattern are two concentric circles of lotus petals: the inner has 8 petals and the outer 16. The entire pattern is encased within a gated frame, called the “courtyard” or “earth stretch”.

An individuals spiritual journey or path to enlightenment from material existence to ultimate ascension and enlightenment is mapped through the sri yantra, the spiritual journey is undertaken as a pilgrimage each step or elevation is an ascent to the centre.

The Sri Yantra represents the totality of existence and can be used as a tool in meditation to contemplate the the path to enlightenment and the nature of the universe and existence.

*Shop the Sri Yantra here


ASTROLOGY READING: Cosmic Merkaba Meditation Week of 24th October 2016

26th October Astrological Reading

There will be an intensity to our thoughts, motivations and communication over the next few weeks, as we find ourselves seeking answers and insights into our own souls. The planetary astrology this week brings with it the opportunity to reveal an epiphany around an issue or circumstance that has been eluding you. Make the most of this occasion and direct you energy into finding the answers you have been seeking.

Your thoughts can be profound at this time, so don't waste them by dwelling on what is not important and leaking your mental energy to others through surrogation or even gossip. As the energy surrounding us at this time brings with it the mental clarity we have been desiring, be mindful not to project outward the insights that you have been making. Unless you feel like they could positively assist someone in their own process, you would do better to keep these realisations to yourself. Every time you share your personal observations, you could be diminishing their value to you as they become entangled with your ego self. Be careful not to overshare and lose the opportunity you have been given to get to know yourself a little bit better.

This Sunday the 30th October will also bring with it a new moon in Scorpio, the energies that surround Scorpio are passionate, resourceful, focused, probing, deep and perceptive. All traits that further support our need at this time to look inwards. As Scorpio supports us to dig deeper into ourselves and the circumstances that surround us, the New Moon is the perfect opportunity to take the realisations we make at this time and set us on a fresh path moving forward.


ASTROLOGY: Cosmic Merkaba Meditation 23rd March 2016

23rd March Astrological Reading

March has been month of major astrological events. The Lunar eclipse is the conclusion to a month of Equinox's, Eclipses and a Super moon and is in essence a completion of the energies started by the Solar Eclipse 2 weeks ago.
This week the Cosmic Merkaba Meditation will be working with the extremely powerful energies of the full Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd of March. This lunar event will be occurring at 10:45pm on Wednesday night (Sydney Time) and its influence will be felt directly for 2hrs and 7 minutes before and after this time.

Lunar eclipses have a direct influence on the emotional body (Solar eclipses work with the mental plane) and it is a perfect time to help us all resolve the emotioal turmoil that has been occurring for many of us over these past few weeks. Meditation before and during the actual event provides us an opportunity to focus our thoughts and gain insight into the internal feelings and emotions that have been shaping our daily lives.

Join us on Wednesday night in person or absentee and take the opportunity to meditate with these powerful cosmic energies to manifest the emotional future we want for ourselves going forward this year.

Details for the week:
Wednesday 23rd March 2016 6.30pm - 8pm AEDST
Cost: $40.00AUD
All Absentee participants are called into the group individually and receive a recording of the meditation post session
Bookings are essential - Please contact us to confirm your place