


This Week's Astrological Reading

It's finally here! The November supermoon is upon us and I am sure you're all feeling the effects of this Lunar event already. It seems as though everyone is very aware of this months moon transit and for good reason! Tuesday mornings full moon in Taurus is classed as a supermoon and will reach its peak at 12:52am Sydney time, however it's energetic influence will impact us for the 3 days prior and post the event.
This moon is of particular significance as it will appear as the biggest and brightest moon to grace our skies in over 70 years and will not appear again as such, until 2034! So now for the really important information, what does this mean for us energetically?

Get ready for a big dose of reality as any illusion around you starts to come crashing down. Whether it be self created misconceptions or truths hidden from you by those close to you, the full force of this supermoon is here to illuminate them all. As with any lunar occurrence, you can expect to feel a high degree of hypersensitivity, emotional turmoil and generally a lack of rational thinking and emotional stability, we are in for a big few days.

It is never more important than during these circumstances to be conscientious of your words, actions and thoughts. It is in these periods of struggle that we are gifted with the greatest opportunities for growth and provided with learning curves that can reshape us entirely.
The energy of this full moon creates a time ripe with potential and possibilities, to enact great changes in our lives and our relationships. It is a time to take stock and ask yourself who do you want to be going forward? Will you give in to the feelings of anxiety and unrest brought up by the moon or will you seek to master your emotions, confront your true self and move forward!

Whilst it would be unwise to give into your more irrational thoughts over the next few days, do be kind to yourself. Find ways to nurture yourself by taking time to meditate, have a purifying bath or spend time relaxing with loved ones. These practices will help ease feelings of emotional instability as love (self love and love for others) can transmute even the darkest of moods.



ASTROLOGY READING: Cosmic Merkaba Meditation Week of 24th October 2016

26th October Astrological Reading

There will be an intensity to our thoughts, motivations and communication over the next few weeks, as we find ourselves seeking answers and insights into our own souls. The planetary astrology this week brings with it the opportunity to reveal an epiphany around an issue or circumstance that has been eluding you. Make the most of this occasion and direct you energy into finding the answers you have been seeking.

Your thoughts can be profound at this time, so don't waste them by dwelling on what is not important and leaking your mental energy to others through surrogation or even gossip. As the energy surrounding us at this time brings with it the mental clarity we have been desiring, be mindful not to project outward the insights that you have been making. Unless you feel like they could positively assist someone in their own process, you would do better to keep these realisations to yourself. Every time you share your personal observations, you could be diminishing their value to you as they become entangled with your ego self. Be careful not to overshare and lose the opportunity you have been given to get to know yourself a little bit better.

This Sunday the 30th October will also bring with it a new moon in Scorpio, the energies that surround Scorpio are passionate, resourceful, focused, probing, deep and perceptive. All traits that further support our need at this time to look inwards. As Scorpio supports us to dig deeper into ourselves and the circumstances that surround us, the New Moon is the perfect opportunity to take the realisations we make at this time and set us on a fresh path moving forward.


ASTROLOGY READING: Cosmic Merkaba Meditation 31st August 2016

Week of 29th August Astrological Reading

Hold on to your mandalas mediators, last week may have been the calm before the storm, but the storm is well and truly with us this week. The universe is really throwing it all at us as Mercury enters retrograde on Tuesday the 30th, we have a New Moon on the 1st September and an Annual Solar Eclipse on the 1st as well.

The energy of the New Moon always provides us with a space to wipe the slate clean from the previous month and start a new, it is a time for renewal and rebirth. This renewal energy is being amplified 3 fold as the solar eclipse and mercury retrograde are both working to create a potent time to seed something new in our lives.

If you are having trouble letting go of the past or staying in situations you know are overdue to be released, now is the time to say goodbye on your terms before the universe steps in to do it for you. In a solar eclipse the lunar energy is particularly strong as it seeks to block out the suns influence. Mercury retrograde will bring its usual disturbances, but it is also creating a space for serious realignment, renewal and re-prioritization. This really is a time to look forward and to start laying the foundations to help you manifest the life you want to be living.
As we have said before during these times of tumultuous cosmic energy influences, always remember that HUMAN WILL and the MIND is stronger than any astrological force or influence. You are the master of your own mind and destiny. Use the opportunity of the perceived madness around you to demonstrate the growth you have been working so hard to achieve through your practices and rise above it.